Our Work

Highlights from our work

The Relationships Map

A directory of the many brilliant individuals and organisations who are putting relationships first. Find others who are grappling with similar challenges, get inspired by the resources they’ve shared, and perhaps reach out to make a new connection (and put yourself on the map!)

A Framework for Relationship-Centred Practice

A set of provocations and thought starters to help you create the conditions in which relationships can thrive in your organisation, community or service. 

We work across sectors and across topic areas, drawing together the common strands and sharing the learning to create more than the sum of our parts. Many of our resources can be used in different contexts and situations. Others are particularly useful to certain settings. Find the most useful resources for you below. 

For Councils

Kit for Councils

What is the appropriate statecraft, in style and substance, for enabling strong and connected communities? How does the state open possibilities without undue risk, and raise the game without controlling and constraining? This kit lays out a set of principles and resources for putting relationships at the heart of how councils operate. 

Relational Councils Network

Bringing together councils from across the UK, our Relational Councils Convenings provide a space for learning about how to create a relationship-centred council. Co-hosted with LBBD council, we build on the Kit for Councils to explore and share real life examples of councils putting relationships at the heart of what they do. 

For Community Weavers 

Active Neighbours Field Guide

Covid-19 saw an outpouring of community-led support in which 9 million ‘volunteers’, or 15% of the UK’s population, stepped forward to help out. What are the stories behind these statistics? What factors have shaped their desire and ability to contribute and care? What’s needed to support and encourage them to carry on caring? Our Active Neighbours Field Guide explores these questions and presents five Active Neighbour groups. 

Community Weaver's Companion

How can we nurture strong communities in the good times as well as the bad? How can we sustain the community activity we saw in the early lockdowns without controlling and constraining it? How do we build a positive Covid legacy and resist the pull back to old ways? The Community Weavers Companion draws together all that we learnt through Side by Side: our 18 week peer learning programme for Community Weavers across the UK.

For Bridge Builders 

The Bridge Builders' Handbook

Over the course of the Covid pandemic, our communities have achieved an extraordinary amount.At the same time, we’ve spent an unprecedented amount of time apart and tempers have, understandably, frayed. This handbook provides step by step guidance on healing divisions and building strong, connected communities. 

The Sense of Connection

There’s much we can learn from previous disasters about repairing and strengthening the social fabric. In this report, we draw on the expertise of the After Disasters Network in the crafts of disaster recovery and conflict transformation, and weave this together with all that we’ve learned from our own network about community development.

For Organistions 

The Relationships Heatmap

Where are the warm and cool spots in your relationship-centred practice? The Relationships Heatmap is a diagnostic tool that will help you build stronger, more impactful relationships, by identifying the strengths and areas for improvement in your approach.

The Relationship Makers' Guide

The Relationship Makers Guide shares 5 simple steps to help you to strengthen the relationships in your organisation, community or business. Anyone, anywhere can use the guide to help them on their journey to becoming a Relationship Maker. You might want to work through the guide with a partner or in a small group to get the ideas flowing.

For Young People  

The Lookout

The Lookout is a space for children and young people to look around at everything that’s happened over the Covid pandemic and share the things that they’d like to see change to make sure that ‘Recovery’ takes into account their needs and priorities. Including a guided meditation and a session guide for teachers, you can participate in The Lookout individually or in groups.

Citizen's Rising

Many more young people than usual have grappled with formative experiences of uncertainty, isolation and death. Those experiences have been shaped by the relationships that they did – or didn’t – have to support them. This report explores the burgeoning sense of citizenship, and urgent needs, that young people told us about in 2021.


Case Studies

There are lots of great examples of relationship-centred practice in action that we can all take inspiration from. From multi-million pound businesses to small, grassroots organisations, we hope that our collection of case studies offers inspiration for everyone. 

A World of Good Relationships

This report sets out our long-term vision for a world built for and around relationships. We take stock of our learning to date, looking back on two and a half years of listening, collaborating and building, and we invite you to join us on this journey to building a better society by building better relationships. 

Get in touch

We’ve got a range of projects on the go, all delivered in partnership with our fantastic network of Relationships Associates. All of our work is open and everyone is welcome to get involved. If you’re interested in finding out more or have an idea for a new area of work, we’d love to hear from you: hello@relationshipsproject.org

Latest blog: Join our 2 year plan for a 20 year vision 

We’re on a mission to help strengthen and grow the field of relationship-centred practice but this important task needs the help of many hands. In this blog, we outline our plans for the next two years and share 4 invitations to join forces. We’d love you to join us. 

Join the Relationships Collective and help us shepherd this work over the next 18 months 

Come along to our upcoming events, the first of which is on 23rd November in Newcastle

Share your vision and know how for a world of good relationships

Help us make an irrefutable case for the value of relationship-centred practice
