In brief

Bob Rhodes is the founder and President of LivesthroughFriends CIC, a social enterprise that demonstrates how those who have acquired the most complex reputations can live good lives when attention is paid to building relationship networks and a sense of purpose. In this blog, Bob shares a bit about their work in putting relationships first.

If you’d like to take the conversation about Rewilding Care further, Bob would be delighted to do so. Leave a comment below or send an email to

Rewilding Britain

At Rewilding Britain, we define rewilding as the large-scale restoration of ecosystems to the point where nature is allowed to take care of itself. Rewilding seeks to reinstate natural processes and, where appropriate, missing species – allowing them to shape the landscape and the habitats within. It’s focused firmly on the future although we can learn from the past.

Rewilding encourages a balance between people and the rest of nature so that we thrive together. It can provide opportunities for communities to diversify and create nature-based economies; for living systems to provide the ecological functions on which we all depend; and for people to reconnect with wild nature.

A comparison struck me as I made my way home following the Citizen Network’s often exhilarating It’s Our Community event in Sheffield. I had spent a couple of days in the company of grassroots community organisations and peer support initiatives who exuberantly celebrated the impact that actively associating and taking personal agency had wrought in their lives. However, this was not a novelty to me – indeed I feel like I’ve witnessed that energy diminish over that past half-century. And I came away worried; not least because a significant number of the inspiring folk I had met expressed a simple faith that their example would change the system that they had not changed but rather disavowed.

In workshops and conversations I and others had sought to get people to think about:

  • how professionals and services promote themselves as the prime solution to our ‘needs’, accentuating our dependency and diminishing our personal agency – as is inevitable and ‘normal’ within a market environment where service systems need and trade upon our perceived deficiencies. 
  • The importance of nurturing both strong and resourceful citizens, families and communities and local, enabling, skilled and complementary service systems.
  • Hence, the fundamental importance of redefining the purposes and principles underpinning social services.
  • The consequences of all-encompassing consumerism
  • The ideological roots of the disintegrating system.

In hindsight, it is clear that such discussions are not at the centre of everyday conversations in most grassroots community groups. Pinching the strapline of Compass’s bi-weekly seminars, this is too “Bloody Complicated.”  Indeed, one forceful leader looked at me aghast and said, “Do you mean this is political?”

As ever, people are preoccupied with getting by despite the system; rather than actively plotting revolution.

John McKnight put it this way:

Consumer society begins at the moment when what was once the province or function of the family and community migrates to the marketplace…

In adopting system life, people choose to yield sovereignty in exchange for the promise of predictability. Even families and communities turn over their sovereignty for the promise of a safe and predictable future.

John McKnight

Here is the rub: Systems that are constructed for order cannot provide satisfaction in domains that require a unique and personal human solution. They are unable to provide the satisfaction that they promise because of their very nature.

John McKnight

In short, the ‘promise’ is worthless.

So, on the train home, I mused upon keywords and straplines that we might use to generate conversations and facilitate conscientization. It struck me that, no matter how overwhelming the evidence throughout decades, ‘global warming’ repeatedly failed to grab widespread attention. However, people have got behind ‘climate change’ – perhaps because we experience and to some extent understand the weather and its palpable changes.

From there it wasn’t much of a leap to think about how the public understanding of the parallel ecological disaster arising from humanity’s self-interest and ignorance has unfolded. It has not taken too long, even for the most industrialised agribusinesses, for folk to get the message that getting out of the way and permitting nature to do what it does naturally is a powerful remedial strategy. ‘No Mow May’; field margins widened and left to their own devices; hedge planting; restored wild flower meadows; natural pest control with lacewings, ladybirds, or parasitic wasps; and wild corners in our gardens are all strategies familiar to casual viewers of Countryfile or Gardeners’ World. While most may not have progressed to considering the wild reintroduction of large free-roaming ungulates such as bison or top predators such as lynx and wolves, there’s a general understanding of the good sense associated with enabling nature to ‘have agency’.

For me, that rings a very loud bell. If we are to evolve a sustainable and truly caring society and effective and economic social services we, as was so clearly recognised by both Seebohm and Barclay Committees during the early years of Social Services Departments, must build upon the care that is naturally present in strong, resourceful and interdependent communities.

In pursuit of this, the challenge for Government is to restore agency to citizens and to design societal systems and social services that have their primary purpose in resourcing, supporting, and where necessary supplementing the relational, or associative, activities of families and communities.

This, of course, cannot be a top-down activity – hence the imperative to find an ‘imagery’ that is generally understood through which inclusive, democratic change can evolve.

I wonder then if ‘Rewilding Care’ has resonance?

When we talk to people about what really matters to them the universal answer is loving and reciprocal relationships closely aligned with a strong sense of belonging. These attributes are not in the gift of services BUT supplementary and complementary services can be designed to support families, friends and others to give their gifts.

However, concurrently, there’s a job to do in both ordering society to enable citizens to invest in relationships and supporting people to reject passive consumerism and assert active citizenship. At some point we all are likely to need care. Not to put to fine a point upon it, commissioned care institutionalizes. Is that really what we want for ourselves or those we truly care about?

Hilary Cottam is one of many social activists stunned by the silliness of marketized social care:

Relationships were allowed no place in the welfare state because they were thought at best not to matter and at worst to be a hindrance to social progress. But Beveridge realised he had made a mistake and now, when our human connections determine the social, emotional and economic outcomes of our lives, this omission matters more than ever. But in the intervening decades a reform process that has centred on management and control has further limited the possibility of human connection within existing systems. Today the welfare state concentrates on the efficient delivery of inputs and outcomes, trapping us in the cultures and mechanisms of transaction and limiting human connection.

Hilary Cottam

Radical Help: How We Can Remake the Relationships Between Us and Revolutionise the Welfare State

In chorus with Hilary Cottam I would assert that, “our current systems whether financial, social, political, ecological, are actually beyond reform…”

So, here’s a thought for a new banner to galvanise action:

At Rewilding Care, we define rewilding as the intentional, societal-scale nurturing of interdependence and reciprocity to the point where real agency is restored to citizens, families and communities. Rewilding seeks to reinstate the natural interdependent societal relationships that have served humanity so well over millennia as the basis for a sustainable and flourishing future. Rewilding recognises that collaborative relationships constitute the basis of care and that professionals and services, that also have useful specialist roles, are complementary and supplementary actors whose core role is to support and strengthen the agency of citizens and their various associations. Rewilding means valuing people for their gifts rather than emphasizing and exploiting perceived deficiencies. Rewilding thrives on the apparent chaos of our unique lives and relationships. Rewilding Care builds upon the essence of humanity and it works!

If you’d like to take the conversation about Rewilding Care further, Bob would be delighted to do so. Leave a comment below or send an email to

Active Neighbours – Khan

Active Neighbours – Khan

“With all the restrictions in place, there was a lot of questions about how much I could do or how much was normal to do. I didn’t want to put too much stress on myself but I wanted to help out as much as I could. I was brought up in a household where I was expected to do all the housework, the DIY, preparing meals. That was considered normal for me but with some individuals, depending on what their household is like, what is normal is different; I wanted to do more and more but I didn’t want to ask and they didn’t ask.”

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Active Neighbours – Kate

Active Neighbours – Kate

“I just think it’s really nice we can each all be each other’s solutions – people are volunteering not because they feel obligated because they’re family -they just want to help you. I always think that’s really powerful. If everyone put in just a few hours a week to help in their community, we can change so much. And I think that’s what we’ve seen during Covid.”

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Active Neighbours – Julie

Active Neighbours – Julie

“The satisfaction you get from volunteering is really fulfilling. You get home and know you’ve helped someone that day. It enabled me to meet new people – other volunteers, those we helped. Having the opportunity to talk to some elderly people in the community. When you’re not from somewhere, when would you ever have the opportunity to talk to someone from a different generation?”

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Active Neighbours – Josie

Active Neighbours – Josie

“[Covid] was an almighty stop. There are so many people that are natural doers – volunteering and helping others was possibly the only thing they could do. A lot of people potentially thought that was their only option to continue to do something. Covid gave everyone the opportunity to step slightly out of their comfort zone. Everyone needs that door to be slightly open to be able to step through [….] I just have to say that the food bank needs peanut butter, 12 hours later there will be 56 jars on my porch”

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Active Neighbours – Jen

Active Neighbours – Jen

“I’m a big believer in gratitude and what you give out is what you get back, and the law of attraction. So I’m that kind of person: what you give out is what you get back. So just being a nice person, and just trying to help and be generous with your time … if you can. Anything you can do to help somebody.”

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Active Neighbours – James

Active Neighbours – James

“Not patriotism, but I think society is under stress at the moment. I don’t think the government, whatever your view on this particular government, is necessarily capable of meeting all needs. So it’s quite nice to have a purpose to do stuff when you can see an overwhelming need for it. So yes, a massive sense of fulfilment. And I think as I’d alluded to before that when I’d retired I felt I needed something to do. But it’s been great because I’ve met more people in the neighbourhood, working in the kitchen I’ve met some great people – learned much more about food! So generally I’ve enjoyed both experiences a lot.”

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Active Neighbours – Isabel

Active Neighbours – Isabel

“I think what was really cool at the beginning was it felt like you had this whole potential to really rethink how you interacted with your local area. There was a real sense of possibility that you were really kind of mini-world making or something […] I think politically a lot of people really frown down on traditional charity models – particularly the bifurcation of service users and service providers, and felt like what was needed was something that really lifted people up in the community, and made everyone feel like they were valued and had something to contribute […] which is still a noble goal – but I think it’s hard to do in practice.”

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Active Neighbours – Brianne

Active Neighbours – Brianne

“So it’s just the connections that have been made, the nice people and the people who have really needed the help that I’ve met. And just seeing everyone come together. I’ve always thought this area has a great sense of community, but this has shown it even more. And it’s shown the people that don’t normally have the time to give to this community – they’ve gone ‘here you go’.”

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Active Neighbours – Anna

Active Neighbours – Anna

“In the past I’ve done very much paper-based volunteering, because I guess that’s where my skills lie – but maybe I’ve realised that I quite enjoy meeting people and having that interaction. In particular, I think I’ve enjoyed meeting people that are outside my social circle – because you know, we’re all guilty of having our own little group […], so seeing that people have very different lives – not better or worse, just different, you know – I think has been really interesting for me.”

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