Shifting Power

Shifting Power

In brief In this, the latest in our series of lockdown reflections by our network of observers, Relate’s Director of Services, Ben Collins, reflects on what lockdown has taught us about power within service delivery.  Another busy week in lock down โ€“...
What is relationship-centred practice?

What is relationship-centred practice?

In brief Language matters. Words shape ideas and ideas shape action. We often use the words relationship-centred practice. In this blog David discusses his understanding of the phrase. This is a discussion piece with a set of working definitions and assumptions. We...
A common field

A common field

In brief In this first post in the Joining the Dots series, Relationships Project founder David Robinson sets the scene for the series and outlines the plan going forward.  The hook worm was paralysing entire towns in the rural south of the United States in the...
Active Neighbours – Anna

Active Neighbours – Anna

โ€œIn the past Iโ€™ve done very much paper-based volunteering, because I guess thatโ€™s where my skills lie – but maybe Iโ€™ve realised that I quite enjoy meeting people and having that interaction. In particular, I think Iโ€™ve enjoyed meeting people that are outside my social circle – because you know, weโ€™re all guilty of having our own little group […], so seeing that people have very different lives – not better or worse, just different, you know – I think has been really interesting for me.โ€
