How we live together

How we live together

In brief “Working for social progress isn’t about waiting for all the stars to align; it’s about making change for ourselves, by the light that we have.” In this essay, David Robinson considers the state of relationships in 2020 and how to do better in the new...
Active Neighbours – Isabel

Active Neighbours – Isabel

“I think what was really cool at the beginning was it felt like you had this whole potential to really rethink how you interacted with your local area. There was a real sense of possibility that you were really kind of mini-world making or something […] I think politically a lot of people really frown down on traditional charity models – particularly the bifurcation of service users and service providers, and felt like what was needed was something that really lifted people up in the community, and made everyone feel like they were valued and had something to contribute […] which is still a noble goal – but I think it’s hard to do in practice.”

Our Shared Belonging

Our Shared Belonging

We’re featuring a mini blog series, where in each piece, an Enrol Yourself Host reflects on their practice of building strong relationships, as a facilitator. In this blog, Jahnvi Singh tells us her five takeaways from conversations on what it means to build relationships & truly belong.

Relationships, A Transformative Power

Relationships, A Transformative Power

In brief In this Joining the Dots piece, Thomas Neumark shares his learning about relationships from a personal as well as a professional perspective.  Thomas Neumark CEO at The Peel Thomas is CEO of The Peel, a community development charity working in...