by David Robinson | 31 Aug 2022 | Dreams and Vision, Our thinking, Top Picks
In brief Ofgem confirmed the increase in the energy price cap on Friday August 26th 2022. We now know that, without substantial help, galloping fuel bills, combined with inflation, will push 45m Britons into fuel poverty by the end of the year. David Robinson...
by David Robinson | 31 Jan 2022 | Covid and Relationships, Our thinking
In brief In this milestone blog David Robinson takes the temperature as we approach the second anniversary of Covid 19. The UK is stuck in a pattern of “shuffle and repeat” with fears for the future, but also the possibility of hope. The past two years have caused...
by David Robinson | 14 Dec 2021 | Covid and Relationships, Our thinking
In brief In this, our last blog of 2021, we look back on another year of disruption and pain and remind ourselves of the patches of light and the power of relationships in helping us to heal. It has taken a long time to get here, but I do have more than one person I...
by David Robinson | 19 Nov 2021 | Communities & Volunteering, Covid and Relationships, Our work
In brief In this blog, David explores the possibilities for Mutual Aid 2.0 and shares our plans for a peer sharing group for anyone interested in the question of how we nurture and sustain community activity into the future. A year ago, You Gov research, undertaken...
by David Robinson | 12 Oct 2021 | Covid and Relationships, Dreams and Vision, Our thinking
In brief In this blog, we explore the long tail damage of the pandemic and oscillating community activity, and we ask for your thoughts on the best role that we can play here at The Relationships Project. On 10/11, we’re convening a conversation to explore how...