by David Robinson | 6 Mar 2020 | Economy & Politics, Our thinking, Relationship-Centred City
In brief In the wake of our latest report, ‘The Relationship-Centred City’, David calls on the Mayor of London to create an environment in which relationships can thrive by getting behind a London Relationships Commission. Read the report A couple of...
by David Robinson | 18 Feb 2020 | Our thinking
In brief In this short blog, David reflects on the sort of relationship-centred business that helps make the world a much better, warmer, kinder place. Half asleep I stumble across a tweet from someone called Matt Haig, of whom I have never heard....
by David Robinson | 20 Jan 2020 | Our thinking, Top Picks
In brief “Working for social progress isn’t about waiting for all the stars to align; it’s about making change for ourselves, by the light that we have.” In this essay, David Robinson considers the state of relationships in 2020 and how to do better in the new...
by Immy Robinson | 6 Dec 2019 | Our thinking
In brief In this blog, Immy outlines our upcoming plans to develop practical tools that support the design and redesign of more relationship-centred places. The problem Here at The Relationships Project we believe that everything works better when relationships...
by David Robinson | 3 Dec 2019 | Our thinking, Relationship-Centred City
In brief In this blog, David shares his reflections on an thoughtful, energetic event in which 25 Londoners reimagined the city from a more relationship-centred perspective. One big question is at the heart of the work of the Relationships Project: “How would...
by David Robinson and Immy Robinson | 30 Aug 2019 | Economy & Politics, Our thinking
In brief In this Joining the Dots blog (written back in the days when parliaments sat and terms were predictable), Iona Lawrence and David Robinson consider the place of relationships in our national politics. Iona Lawrence Iona works for The Cares...