by David Robinson | 2 Aug 2019 | Economy & Politics, Our thinking
In brief In this blog, David Robinson, who leads the Relationships Project, challenges the UK’s new Prime Minister to take a relationship-centred approach to government, and makes some suggestions for how to go about it. This blog also appears on A Better...
by Immy Robinson | 31 May 2019 | Our thinking
In brief In this Joining the Dots blog, Immy Robinson – Research and Innovation Lead at Shift and co-lead of The Relationships Project – explores some of the knotty questions around measuring and evaluating relationships. The need for measurement The...
by David Robinson | 22 May 2019 | Economy & Politics, Our thinking
In brief In this blog, Relationships Project founder, Shift board member and community worker David Robinson shows what a relational approach looks like, and how it might work, across the sectors. What is a relationship-centred council or relationship-centred economy,...
by David Robinson | 29 Apr 2019 | Our thinking
In brief In this first post in the Joining the Dots series, Relationships Project founder David Robinson sets the scene for the series and outlines the plan going forward. The hook worm was paralysing entire towns in the rural south of the United States in the...